28 October 2019
Workshop Scenario
"Learning from Emerging Future: Shifting to Innovative Thinking"
Setting the Context
The facilitators introduce themselves, explain the purpose of the 3-hour workshop, outline the format and schedule. Ask the questions to connect with the audience. The introduction also includes the description of core principles of our philosophy of working with clients: "Living in a VUCA world", "Collaboration and Innovation", "Learning from Emerging Future'' .
Part 1. "Learning from the Past"
This activity focuses on exploring the different views of the Company to get a shared common platform and understanding of the story. The storytelling can be about important eras, events and experiences that have contributed to where the organization is today. Exploring these events together is a way to include everyone and create an understanding of where everybody is coming from. To listen and trying to understand others' point of view leads to openness which is a prerequisite for trust.
Exercise "TimeLine"
The facilitators explain the purpose of the activity and give instruction.
All Group
  1. All participants place themselves somewhere on the line according to how long they have been an employee in the Company. They talk amongst themselves to figure out who should be where.
  2. We divide the timeline into 10 clusters of appr 15 people each. The clusters will discuss for 5-10 minutes among themselves to identify what was in focus in the organisation at that time and what the leadership (or other aspects, to be discussed before the event) was like when they entered into the Company?
  3. Each group discuss and captures in Mentimetr or flipchart paper:
  • Are there any themes through our picture of the organisation's history?
  • What have we learned about the Company and each other?
Mentimetr, group of internal facilitators from the Company (3-5)
Small Groups, 10 groups, appr 15 people in each
Each group presents:
  1. Are there any themes through our picture of the organisations history?
  2. What have we learned about the Company and each other

All Group

Everybody shares the outcome through Mentimetr:
What do we take to the future?
What do we want to throw out and leave in the past?
14:30 - 14:45
14:30 - 14:45
Part 2. "Learning from Emerging Future"
The ability to shift from reacting against the past to leaning into and presencing an emerging future is probably the single most important capacity today. It is a capacity that is critical in situations of disruptive change, not only for institutions and systems, but also for teams and individuals.
Exercise "Progression Line"
  1. Facilitators are setting up the context. What is the source of creativity and innovation? Best practice are dead. Getting out of "same old" results loop.
  2. Introduction of "Progression Line" exercise. Where our team is heading in a one year horizon?
  3. All participants work on the definition of success of a team in one year.
    3.1. Facilitators invite all the participants into "Sensing Exercise" - Right Brain Work (3 minutes).
    3.2. Everybody shares results via Mentimetr.
    3.3. Rationalizing the outcomes - in small groups.
    3.4. Everybody shares results via Mentimetr.
  4. Defining "where we are now" on progression line.
  5. In pairs - what is my personal committment?
  6. Sharing of personal committments via Mentimetr.
Mentimetr OR flipchart paper, group of internal facilitators from the Company (3-5)
Wrap-Up and Conclusions
Summary of "Learning from the Future" Method
Meet TeamLead
  • Artur Chernikau
    Managing Partner, Founder SIA TeamLead
    • Coach ICF PCC
    • Certified Trainer
    • President ICF Latvia
    • Fellow at Oxford Leadership
    • Experienced manager, 12+ years leading large teams in financial Industry
  • Elena Zlygosteva
    Partner, SIA TeamLead
    • Coach ICF PCC
    • Member ICF Latvia
    • Fellow at Oxford Leadership
    • 20+ years of experience in People Developing Field in a corporate world
    • Certified Lumina Learning Assessment Practitioner
Our Fee
3 hours of workshop
Additional Expenses
Next Steps
Looking forward to receiving your feedback.

+371 26 65 70 50
+371 25 45 88 76
