Proposal for Leadership Development Program
CMA CGM, Cluster of Baltics, Finland, Belarus
The Cluster is making a next step to develop top-talent. The leadership program for employees is planned with an idea of 2-3 days training, onsite in Riga.
We would like to propose our vision of the 6 month program to ensure proper integration of skills: the onsite events supported by on-the-job follow-up to integrate new skills. The content of the training will be finalized after your input.
We propose to organise an online meeting with HR and Leaders of the Countries, where we will clarify the expectations and the main focus.
Additional Option
We also suggest to consider assigning the team to a common business challenge, it may be an item from your Business Plan which is equally important for all countries.
Team Leads and high-potential talents of the Cluster, approximately 2 from each country (altogether around 10 people).
  • To accelerate top employees potential and help them to discover and develop their leadership style
  • To boost their commitment and empower independent work
  • To support them in making wiser decisions, learn better ways of influencing people, gain more self-confidence in leading a team
Main Components and Formats
Get new skills and
shape leadership mindset
Group Facilitation
Create common language and open opportunity for conversation
Individual Coaching
Integrate the knowledge into day-to-day reality
How It May Work
Stage 1. Onsite Training (Riga) - 3 days
Highly interactive program with training, facilitation and coaching elements. The content is customized to be 100% relevant to the current employees' development stage and Company's business goals. During these 3 days the participants set the individual and/or group targets for next 6 months and commit to share the outcomes at the final training day (Stage 3).
Stage 2. On-line Integration
A series of individual and group coaching to make sure new skills are utilized in every day reality.
Stage 3. Onsite Training (Riga or other location) - 1 day
1-day program to integrate new skills, celebrate the joint effort, debrief the results and set the foundation for the future.
The program will be customized according to you most relevant needs
We invite you to choose from areas below and/or add yours
Leader to Self
  • Leading through influence, not authority
  • Balance of the work and life
  • The basics of mindfulness
  • Focus on fewer things that makes the biggest difference
  • Individual leadership assessment
  • Identification and strengthen of the top qualities
  • Individual development plan
Leader to Employees
  • The fundamentals of coaching
  • Managing differences
  • The art of giving developmental feedback
  • Empowerment by deligation
  • Handling crucial conversations
  • Dealing with barriers to success
  • Personal strategies for effective communication
Leader to Team
  • A self motivation of the team
  • Effective strategies in going through change
  • Handling "difficult conversations" and managing conflicts
  • Increasing collaboration of your team
  • Defining your role as a leader
  • Avoiding the pitfalls of micro management
  • Boosting successful development of your team
Management Toolkit
  • Action planning and accountability
  • Decision making strategies
  • Clarity of strategic priorities
  • Absolute personal responsibility
  • Effective meetings
  • Self-organization
  • Time management
  • Rapid response and agility
We believe in experiential learning
Our program is developed, so that your employees get the most of learning "on the job"
through "on the job" experience
through focused interaction and collaboration
formal training
Preliminary Collaboration Schedule
April 2019
April 2019
Virtual Meeting, 1 hour

On-line conference call with Country Leaders to define the common ground, expectations and focus of the event
May or June 2019
May or June 2019
Training, 3 Days
Onsite training in Riga
July-November 2019
July-November 2019
Online Support
Set of individual coaching (3 per person) on a mutually agreed schedule to stay focused
Group facilitation (2 meetings) to develop and integrate new skills.
December 2019
December 2019
Training, 1 Day
On-site Training in Riga or other location
Meet TeamLead
  • Artur Chernikau
    Managing Partner, Founder SIA TeamLead
    • Coach ICF PCC
    • Certified Trainer
    • President ICF Latvia
    • Fellow at Oxford Leadership
    • Experienced manager, 12+ years leading large teams in financial Industry
  • Elena Zlygosteva
    Partner, SIA TeamLead
    • Coach ICF PCC
    • Member ICF Latvia
    • Fellow at Oxford Leadership
    • 20+ years of experience in People Developing Field in a corporate world
    • Certified Lumina Learning Assessment Practitione
Our Fee
3 Day Training
Coaching Support
1 Day Training
Next Steps
Looking forward to receiving your feedback on
  • event content
  • possible time for a conference call
  • dates of training,
+371 26 65 70 50,
+371 25 45 88 76